
Change in the wind

Parts of me are excellent, but I was unexpectedly hospitalized earlier this week with some heart issues. This is serious, life threatening, stuff - caught before it manifested as an operational failure. I'm at home now and feeling fine, but I'll be making some lifestyle changes. I believe that I already have an overall healthy lifestyle, but it has to get healthier in ways that I probably don't yet understand completely. So, change is in the wind and it remains to be seen where it will take me.


  1. Yes, please take care of yourself.

  2. Get some rest. Do you want me to bring over some frozen home-cooked food?

    We are the house of contagion right now. Cold, sinus and ear infections and now stomach flu. But I can cook extra for you as soon as I know we are mostly pathogen free.

  3. Thank you both for your good wishes. I'm fortunate to have the support of friends and family to get me back on track.
