
Rain 0.44"; season total 17.38"

0.38" in the morning of 24 March.
0.01" got the ground wet on 25 March
0.05" recorded on 26 March in the AM.

When reading my rain gauge I've discovered that I have a higher (and, I believe, more accurate) reading if I fling the rain gauge around in a semicircle, driving water droplets that are on the sides of the gauge into the bottom by centrifugal force.* There can be a few 1/100 ths difference in readings before vs after using this technique.

I had previously used a technique where I moved the gauge slowly about such that the main body of water flowed up the sides and captured rogue droplets stuck on the sides with surface tension.

I'm certain that had I looked I would have found this rain gauge pitfall described elsewhere. But what fun would that be.

*centrifugal force from the point of view of a droplet. But of course if I were a strict adherent to classical physics I would say that I see a centripetal force on the droplets.

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