While browsing through this month's Sunset (print version) I came across a recommendation to divide and reduce yarrow by shovel, now, in order to prep for the coming year. I had planned to do that all on my own, but since I'm now armed with the moral authority of a reputable source's recommendation I feel better about it. I'll try that this weekend while scattering some seed and planting a few starts - maybe some Ornate Owl’s Clover (Castilleja exserta).
Here's some plants that I hope to get this weekend.
Need listHeuchera (Coral Bells ) My test plant ("Opal") is doing well in the side yard where I've never before been able to grow anything successfully, so I thought I'd augment it with a couple more. There's also plenty of space under some of my backyard trees for a few, so I might need about 5. "Wendy", "Dainty Bells", and "Lillian's Pink" are smaller than "Opal" but take dry to semi-moist conditions, compared to Opal's semi-dry to semi-moist. Those might make better choices for my conditions.
Muhlenbergia rigens (Deer Grass) - I have three different plants and all were claimed at one point to be Muhlenbergia rigens. Will the real Muhley please stand up? I need one or two more along my stepping stone path and another three in the front for 5 total. Seeds might be a better option for me to keep costs down.
Symphoricarpos mollis (Creeping snowberry) - The plant I have is doing well and I'd like to add another one or two.
I'll look for the always elusive Venegasia carpesioides (Canyon Sunflower - the sunflower that requires only partial sun!) I missed last week's set of 4 1-gal plants at TPF.
Wish listDodecatheon clevelandii clevelandii - want more in my garden.
Arctostaphylos "La Panza" looks like it ought to be my choice of manzanitas based on this description from TPF, "New foliage is velvety grey, ages slowly to a smooth grey. Wonderful open, branching structure" and on the sun and soil needs. There are many more Arctys available than I have information on, so I'm already having buyer's remorse before even making a purchase! I'd hate to overlook an even better match.
Single leaf onion (Allium unifolium) - might be good in my redug meadow, provided it's not too late to plant.
Grasses - some seed might suit me. Maybe purple 3 awn or Ca. Brome grass (Bromus carinatus). I ought to plant out the Agrostis pallens (formerly diegoensis, aka thin grass) that I have.