

No, I haven't left the caps lock key on.

NBII LIFE is the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Library of Images from the Environment (LIFE), a collaborative effort to make diverse, high-quality images (photographs, illustrations, and graphics) of the environment freely available for research and other nonprofit uses. This is an outreach effort by the Smithsonian Institution who have a more extensive plants database at http://botany.si.edu/PlantImages.

Another (sometimes parallel) source of images is the USDA's PLANTS database. Whereas LIFE includes everything in categories of animals through weather, PLANTS focuses on plants, of course.


  1. Cool--I've been aware of the plants database for a while but hadn't know of the LIFE side of things. I'll be off to check it out.

  2. Actually this is not an outreach effort by the Smithsonian Institution. It includes collections from SI but rather it is a project of the National Biological Information Infrastructure of the U.S. Geological Survey.

  3. oops. I guess I confused the hosting institution with the lead contributor.
