
Lupines persist in industrial park

An undeveloped area that I pass on a regular basis is slated for use as a large industrial and commercial park. This year and last I've noticed these nice lupines that persist in the weeds of the graded and waiting land. I believe that they were turned up from the native seedbank when the land was last bulldozed. I wonder if someone ought to harvest their seed to preserve locally endemic genetic variation?

It was about 3 years ago that the fields were leveled by bulldozer and I imagine that the real estate crash has contributed to them lying fallow for the past two rainy seasons.

- Posted at great expense from my iPhone

Location:E Maple Ave,El Segundo,United States


  1. great idea. Let me know the result. wdm

  2. I contacted the California Native Plant Society to see if they had interest in collecting seeds. There's been one excited-sounding email in response thus far.

  3. That'd be great if someone harvested the seeds. Could even be you. I actually dug up an annual flower (not native) from a soon to be demolished construction site and planted and nursed it in my garden. It went to seed, but then I moved on. I wonder if it ever took.

  4. Apparently these plants aren't so rare that they need immediate attention from a professional.

    An friendly email from the local SCNPS rare plants chair said,

    "The lupine pictured is common Lupinus succulentus. I’ve got plenty of that already. Collect the seed just before the pods burst open. Store them in the fridge. If you scrape the seed coats and soak for a day before planting they germinate better."

  5. I've had trouble getting lupines to germinate. That's good advice. Thanks
