
Native plants at Home Depot

Juli and I were at Home Depot today. She first asked about Narcissus.
J: Do you work in the garden center? Ok. Do you have any Narcissus?
Slackjaw: Nasisus?
J: No, Narcissus.
S: Narsis? I've never heard of it. Turns to mouthbreather: How about you?
M: blank look and shrug

The conversation continued just as futilely but I wandered off. We were about to go to Anderson's in frustration, since at least the nursery staff are conversant with common exotic plants when we remembered that our pocketbooks prefer Home Despot.

We decided on Leptospermum scoparium "Crimson Glory" ( Crimson Glory Tea Tree ) that Juli wanted after finding the particulars of the three different selections offered on our smart phones.

Right next to the Leptospermum were 20 or more Ceanothus "Yankee Point" favorably priced at 5.98 for a 1 gal! Hmm what's this California native plant doing at HD?

Should I be looking for signs of the apocalypse or what?

We took a last crack at Narcissus with another nursery staff member who at least knew where the bulbs were located, but failed, and left.

- Posted at great expense from my iPhone

Location:Torrance Crossroads


  1. Ceanothus seem to be planted more and more. I've seen them along the freeways here, in commercial plantings and in people's yards of course. I think their low maintenance requirements and drought tolerance make them attractive to home depot and their customers.

  2. Home Depot in Marin County is currently carring a brand of drought tolerant plants called "Smart Planet". So far I've seen several varieties of Ceanothus, as well as Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP', and a very nice specimen Salvia clevelandii 'Alan Chickering', all of which were in good condition.

  3. The word on the street is that Tree of Life is growing for Home Despot.

  4. Interesting goings-on in Home Depot's garden section if they are making a concerted push into native plants.
