
2019 Western Redbuds were outstanding

2019 was the year that Western Redbuds along my driveway really were impressive.  They were planted in early 2012.   In previous years I was happy with them, but this year the colors - even after their bloom - were outstanding.  Redbuds bloom in the early months of the year, but quickly way to pods.  The flower bloom is beautiful but ephemeral.  Something happened this year that was unexpected: Normally, I dislike these pods which follow the flowers that the tree is known for, but this year they were such a deep red / mahogany color that I felt they just continued the beauty show.  Here they are in May:

More below the break

I have three trees and the one that is street-side had the deepest, darkest, and earliest color changes to its pods.  In the photo above, you can see the foreground dark red pods and background greener ones on the next tree in the line.  Below is a side-by-side of the pod colors.

Later in the year (August) the colors deepened and we got the initial leaf changes of color.

In my area, the pods always have to be removed by hand at the end of the season.  Perhaps in an area with snow they would fall to the ground by themselves.  This isn't a chore that I look forward to, but it was so much easier this year with all the appreciation I had for them.

I'm looking forward to 2020's bloom.

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