
Currant news, etc

Yes, currant. As in Ribes. The one that I planted this year is the one with the most fruits. The darker fruits are more tangy than sweet. Hopefully, I'll have another taste before the birds get them all.
Ribes aureum var. gracillimum (Golden Currant)

The jacaranda trees along the street are past their peak, but only somewhat and they are still glorious.

This buckwheat came from Annie's Annuals.  I was betting that she'd have a more florific selection than I had planted previously.
Eriogonum grande rubescens "Red Buckwheat"

Me: Look at this.
Juli: That's beautiful. What is it?
Me: Buckwheat.
Juli: [silence]

She's not a fan of buckwheat, but this might turn her around.
Eriogonum grande rubescens "Red Buckwheat"