I had emailed my local
CNPS Chapter Vice President, David Sundstrom, a couple weeks ago about some Broom plants growing above Western on the untended hillside. I was hoping that he could call out the troops to eradicate the Broom. There's little of it on the peninsula, so keeping it out is a lot easier than trying to remove it once it's got it's hooks in. (Added 09 May: I used the
What's Invasive web interface to add Broom to the list of invasive plants on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. It's there in a combined Genista / Cytisus spp category. I believe this Broom is French Broom, Genista monspessulana, based on the hairy pods, though I didn't take close enough observations to be certain.)
Since we live in a relatively affluent community, there must be City resources to do this job, no doubt supported by an annual gala fundraiser, right? Not so much. David and I were the "troops" and we met for about two hours on Sunday to demo the Broom. My childhood spent doing yard work stood me in good stead this day as I wielded lobbers with samurai-like precision cutting the plants to the ground. One plant appeared to be the mother ship, as David called it, and he had to take that on with a saw - the trunk was maybe 4-5 inches in diameter. Most others were amenable to the loppers. Seed pods for this year were not deemed viable yet, so we mulched the plant material in place. However, there were signs of multiple years of growth on some plants with last season's dried seed husks still on them. I guess we're due for a few years of return trips to knock down the sibling plants. Our cooler coastal climate is probably not ideal for Broom. I would guess it likes the hotter and more inland foothill and mountain ranges more, so perhaps the plants have been held in check by local climate conditions.

These snails of unusual color were on many Broom plants and on the mustard as well.