On the 9th of November, I measured 1.05" of rainfall from the prior hours of storm. Another 0.02" fell that day. Now it really feels like we have hit the start of not only the rainy seasons, but the PLANTING SEASON! Californians in touch with their environment all breath a sign of relief when we get a storm like that.
Here's the rain I've recorded to date this water year:
Date Recorded Amount (in.) Cumulative(in.) 9/10/2022 0.49 0.49 10/12/2022 0.17 0.66 10/15/2022 0.1 0.76 11/2/2022 0.02 0.78 11/9/2022 1.05 1.83 11/10/2022 0.02 1.85As a reminder, the local water year is usually October 1 through September 30 of the following year. The water year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends, so we are in the 2023 water year.