Everyone seems surprised at the recent rain. I know that I was. There is a definite chance of rainfall in May - the median rainfall amount is 0.02" in Los Angeles and the third quartile is 0.11" (meaning that statistically speaking there's a 75% chance of up to 0.11").
In fact, since 2000, we've had measurable May rainfall in 9 of 11 years.
2009 0.00"
2008 0.12
2007 0.36
2006 0.62
2005 0.34
2004 0.04
2003 0.98
2002 0.12
2001 0.04
2000 0.00
1998 and 1977 had about 2 inches of rain in May! However, as I look over the May rainfall figures it seems that there are quite a few more 0.00's in years prior to 2000 than in years subsequent to it. The following graph shows a moving average of May rainfall and it appears that we're actually in an increasing trend. There are are decade-long or longer trends in weather, but one can always hypothesize global warming as the culprit.
Or it could just be the weather.
That's good news for you and the drought. Still, weather is capricious, especially with water.