
0.1” rain; 10.29" rainfal total for the season

This was the tail end of the storm that I recorded on the previous day. We had just over 5" in my backyard the previous year, so this is a relative upgrade.



Rainfall total 9.38" as of 21 Mar 2022

December was great for the garden and then...virtually nothing until last Saturday when we got a surprise and welcome 0.2".
2020-2021 rainfall		
Date Recorded	Amount (in.)	Cumulative
10/5/2021		0.08	0.08
10/26/2021		0.45	0.53
12/7/2021		0.02	0.55
12/8/2021		0.05	0.6
12/14/2021		1.15	1.75
12/16/2021		0.48	2.23
12/17/2021		0.04	2.27
12/24/2021		2.4	4.67
12/26/2021		0.45	5.12
12/27/2021		0.2	5.32
12/30/2021		3.75	9.07
2/15/2022		0.09	9.16
12/23/2022		0.02	9.18
3/20/2022		0.2	9.38