
0.02" rain; season total 5.20"

Just a light rain last night. 25-Mar 0.02" 5.20" total


Iris 'Canyon Snow'

This photo of Iris 'Canyon Snow' was the first to show its face this season on 3-15-2014. I've planted several of these Iris in a drift that should get more and more beautiful as they mature. As I write, there are numerous blooms - enough that looking ahead I decided that I'd stay away from additional white Iris and my latest acquisitions will start a drift of ruby colored hybrid Iris.


And we wonder how they get there...

Sometimes I wonder how known bad actor plants get into our wild areas.  I guess I don't need to wonder that much.  Here's photo from Sunday's grocery shopping trip to Sprouts market.

Rain 1.0"; season total 5.18"

In the morning on Mar 2, I had 1.0" accumulated in my back yard (1.5" at the San Pedro annex) from the day and night before.  I'd been away in Monrovia  (a more inland area up against the San Gabriel mountains) all day and the rain there was torrential at times, so I expected much more than the 1" that I measured back at home, but  1" is a good amount for this area.

Mar 02 1.0; season total 5.18"

This post sat in draft mode for a while, so it's a bit stale as I write this.  However, there is the benefit that we now know that we could get a drizzle later this week.  A short rain year it has been indeed.